Tuesday, 16 February 2016

My head is sparkling!

Week 1

In week one we were asked to develop some ideas for a possible project, as I also mentioned in my last post. Here I proudly present the results:

Idea 1: Illustrated / animated movie

Inspired by a video about the current refugee crisis on YouTube I’d love to build my project on a movie-based idea, which is implemented through illustrations and/or animations. What I like most about this approach is that a difficult issue can be depicted in a simple and “entertaining” way – if you do it right of course – which makes it accessible resp. understandable for a wider public. This, in addition, is possible through an open distribution way: Social media. Although here applies the way of doing it right as well, namely getting a lot of views. I worked with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Premiere Pro before and I really liked the software, but I didn’t have the change to deepen my knowledge and experience with it. Therefore, a project including these programmes would be a great opportunity.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvOnXh3NN9w

Idea 2: Creation of a meme 

As a huge fan of memes I would also like to do a project considering these in an activist sense. The inspiration for this in particular I also got through a video on YouTube, but I’ve also worked on a meme project last term, albeit in different circumstances. I have got some experiences with Adobe Photoshop and I really like to work and experience more with it. One approach could be to generate the “raw” material for a meme myself (through photography or filming), another one could be to search online for material concerning a certain topic.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU9HqfNBdIk

Idea 3: Word campaign

The inspiration for this idea came out of the reading from Michel de Certeau “General introduction to the practice of everyday life” on page 71 where he states: “It is a sort of epic of the eye and of the impulse to read”. Therefore a wording / sentence campaign could be established, supplemented by adequate photo material. A picture that immediately came to my mind was a stonewall in an empty dark room with illuminated letters on it, for example neon tubes. The letters build a sentence, which carry a message, depending on the subject. Hereby I could take the photos myself and edit them with Adobe Photoshop. They could be designed for real poster print outs (e.g. for placing them in public spaces) or just to be uploaded in an online gallery.

Source: de Certeau, Michel (1984) The Practice of Everyday Life, translated by Steven Rendall, Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, pp. xi – xxiv)

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